St John's Church, 31 avenue Carnot,
near the Casino and Les Jardins Biovès.
Click HERE for a map.
St John’s English Library Events, see bottom of page. Pour voir les événements de la bibliothèque anglaise, veuillez faire défiler vers le bas de la page.
-Sunday 15 September, 10h30, Eucharist Service with The Rev'd Chris Parkman. Monsieur Benjamin Prischi, organist. All are welcome at St. John's Church. Wine, coffee, juice and biscuits following the service.
-Wedesday 18 September, Afternoons at the Saint John English Library, 14h30 - 17h30. Located next to the church. Stop by to see the art, the new books and videos and stay for a coffee or tea.
-Saturday 21 September, 10h30 - 12h30, Library Morning at the Saint John's English Library, located next to the church. There are many new books and videos to choose from. Refreshments available for a small donation.
-Sunday 22 September, 10h30, Morning Prayer with the Churchwarden. Monsieur Benjamin Prischi, organist. All are welcome at St. John's Church. Wine, coffee, juice and biscuits following the service.
-Wedesday 25 September, Afternoons at the Saint John English Library, 14h30 - 17h30. Located next to the church. Stop by to see the art, the new books and videos
and stay for a coffee or tea.
-Saturday 28 September, 10h30 - 12h30, Library Morning at Saint John's English Library, located next to the church. There are many new books and videos to choose from. Refreshments available for a small donation.
- Saturday Evening 29 September 18h30 SPECIAL SERVICE Eucharist Service at St John's Church with Padre Hugh from St Paul's Monaco. Monsieur Benjamin Prischi, organist. All are welcome at St. John's Church. Wine, coffee, juice and biscuits following the service.
-Wedesday 02 October, Afternoons at the Saint John English Library, 14h30 - 17h30. Located next to the church. Stop by to see the art, the new books and videos and stay for a coffee or tea.
-Saturday 05 October, 10h30 - 12h30, Library Morning at the Saint John's English Library, located next to the church. There are many new books and videos to choose from. Refreshments available for a small donation.
-Sunday 06 October, 10h30, Eucharist Service with The Rev'd Chris Parkman. Monsieur Benjamin Prischi, organist. All are welcome at St. John's Church. Wine, coffee, juice and biscuits following the service.
-Sunday 13 October, 10h30, Harvest Service at the Parc du Pian, Menton with The Rev'd Chris Parkman. Stay after the service for a bring and share picnic lunch. Family, friends and visitors welcome.
Bus Stop 8, Le Pian, Blvd de Garavan. Ride share from Church available.
Upcoming events at the St John's English Library.
The Saint John's English Library.
Summer Exhibition 'Jardins en Méditerranée' presented by artists of 'L'Atelier Art et Patience', Nice. All are welcome.
Please see the St John's English Library page, click HERE